Wexley Consulting | Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

Our Process

Our strategic planning process focuses on answering three major questions:

Question 1 : Where Are We?

Question 1 will be answered during our meeting with you, prior to the Strategic Planning Retreat, to discuss your vision, core values, and goals for the future. We will design a questionnaire customized for your company, and ask participants to complete and return it to us. The questionnaire will provide us with information about your organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, major trends and events that drive the business, major products and services, and markets. We will also seek information from the participants regarding their expectations for the upcoming Strategic Planning Retreat. We will integrate all of the information gathered from our meeting with you and the questionnaire in order to create a Participant Manual that will be utilized by the participants at the retreat.

Question 2 : Where do we want to be in 3 to 5 years?

Question 2 will be answered by asking the participants to create an organizational mission statement. We will then facilitate discussion around major markets, products, and/or services that your company wants to target in the next 3-5 years.

Question 3 : How are we going to get there?

Question 3 will be answered during our facilitating discussions where we will establish strategic objectives about where your organization is now and where it wants to be in 3-5 years. Each of the strategic objectives will have: