Wexley Consulting | Organizational Transformation: AIME Model™ for Change
  • Our Philosophy Successful organizations embrace change, yet most fail in their efforts. We combine the latest research with our own expertise to support you through change. The AIME Model™ is a systematic approach adapted to your organizational need. We work with you to delve into the area most often underestimated in change efforts – the human dynamics – to ensure your team is ready to capitalize on change.

  • Our Approach Whether you lead a small team or a multinational one, AIME begins with understanding your current state of change readiness. We then work to Align you and your team towards a shared goal, creating the space to surface unspoken questions and concerns. We then Integrate the effort with the broader team through action and visible behavior. We Monitor progress, not just with KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), but through honest, real-time feedback. And then we look at ways to continuously Elevate the efforts, building on what’s working well in your organization.

  • What You Gain The benefits of the AIME Model™ for Change include:
    • Clearly articulated objectives that the organization can relate to
    • Authentic engagement that can sustain over time
    • Greater resilience for change – for this one and future efforts
    • A learning loop that promotes feedback, experimentation, and ways to improve